Sunday 26 April 2015

Blogger Past- Who likes idols? (text intensive, sorrynotsorry)

For those of you who remember Wotaku Mummy (me) was a blog that dealt with blogging about idols as well as Hello Kitty and mothering things.

To me idol music is something that reminds me of childhood; colourful, fun, cute, full of friendship and energy. When it comes to idols there are many different ways of assessing "good idols", this goes from uniqueness to good lyrics, good musical hooks, good connections in the industry, high levels of sales, high levels on contact with fans. When these differing opinions clash you get inter-idolfan fights and these are often quite saddening to see. Especially since the point of idol music is reliving the carefree times of youth. Or at least that's what it used to be.

All of this is "in my opinion".

Idols should be...
themselves; nothing more adorable than being overwhelmed with happiness and crying onstage (that's right Momoka MICZ)
Idols should be youthful at heart; want to mess around with the wota, sure thing, you're still a kid- go nuts! (Maachan MM15)
Idols shouldn't have to have a sell-by; if you still feel you're an idol despite age and lifestyle, go for it! (Wooo Momochi and Nonotan).

"Idol" has changed since I discovered the genre. I remember when AKB released their 1st single, back when indies were only found via Japanese friends who took videos of street performances. Before all the up and coming idols had a twitter and a livestream account. To an extent this has alienated me from the sheer volume that is now accessible. I don't have the time to listen to all these groups let alone start to collect media and properly connect with members. Too many radio shows, too many tv appearances. I'm a busy lady already!!!

I'm sorry Momusu that I've not properly heard a single since Toki wo Koe Sora Wo Koe and haven't heard an album since 12, Smart. Momoclo I'm sorry I've not really followed actively since Mugen no Ai and AKB.... I'm sorry I lost interest after Bingo!! As for Idolling.... I'm sorry I just didn't commit at all.

It is, however my goal to bring Idol awareness more to my local area as I know people know Kyary and Hatsune Miku and now Babymetal too. So who knows I may actually start an appreciation club and have more reason to live and breathe idol music!

Wotutu FIGHT!
Or I'll just become an idol myself!! Muahahaha

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