Saturday 25 July 2015

Making my acrylic charms

I feel terrible for not putting out any new content, so here's a quick little art blog.

I'm sure you all at some point either through the blog, Facebook or real life have seen the charms I made, or saw them at some stage of development. What I'm going to do is let you all know the process behind making them. If there's ever a demand for it at all, I can go more in-depth on how to do various steps, but for now I'll do an outline.

This is the process for each individual character charm. This was repeated around 40 times.
Not all of the steps have pictures, sorry!

Monday 13 July 2015

Summer break!

What can I say, there's not much time for writing when your 4 year old is off school for the summer!

I'll be taking a brief break from posting blogs, and in the meantime will be watching more anime and getting things set up for a new, improved review system. With spoilers included!

Also on the cards is possible affiliation with several Japanese goods so I can have ads tailored to the newest anime releases! Aaaand I recently became admin of the Greater Belfast Otaku Society which works hard to unite and entertain the local community!

There's a lot of exclamation points in this post...

I think that about wraps it up and the tl;dr is that I'm taking a break to build up some rich, meaty animu content with whatever stolen moments I can find.

I hope everyone has a thoughroughly enjoyable spring break, feel free to read past entries if ya'll want.
Enjoy your summer!
In the meantime, be sure to check out the following for (hopefully) more up to date things!

Free to Be Me Art Facebook
Wotutu Facebook
Wotutu Tumblr
Free to Be Me Art Tumblr

Friday 10 July 2015

Review: Marimo no Hana: Saikyou Butouha Shougakusei Densetsu

Info here!
Ribon seems to be the best publication for serialising seriously sweet shoujo! I've stumbled across yet another adorable advertisement for a manga (on a roll with alliteration too!). This OVA is set noticeably apart from the OVAs done for Oha Sutax Ribon that I'd reviewed before!
See after the cut to watch it for yourself!

Friday 3 July 2015

Review: Digimon Adventure

Information here
I'm sure all of us around the age of 15-25 remember watching Digimon; that techno opening and the dream of travelling with a strange monster that could actually tell you stuff (sorry Pokemon...).
If, like me, you watched it in a country other than Japan or America, you probably suffered the same problems trying to watch it in sequence; the local channel would buy 10 episodes, loop them randomly then suddenly have a new episode, then you're right back to episode one. I'm not sure if it was editing or if the battle with Devimon was actually that long!

How does the subbed version of this classic stand? I dedicated loads of time to watching all 54 episodes of this and I regret nothing. Read more after the break!