Wednesday 9 March 2016

Goulart Knights: Evoked the Beginning Black

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When I see there's anime that I've never heard of from the past ten years I feel a bit odd. This is one of those titles, though, granted it's an OVA. With some very minor digging on the internet I found the main platform of this title was a 3 Volume manga

There is a threat to the world in the form of beasts called Archon, those who can stop it are people who possess special powers known as Holy Grails. Not much else is gathered from watching this 22 minute long anime.

The protagonists start going toward an area where all people but one girl, Spika, were killed by an Archon, they find the young girl with a small dog and bring them back to their school. Where all the group, in their own respective ways tries to comfort the girl in efforts to ease her trauma.
At first it seems the people higher up in the school assume this girl is actually an Archon who is hiding her form, after all, how could one girl survive such a thing?

Spika spends the night and the next day Nil takes her around the campus, Spika happily running to follow him, though still wordless. She spends another night, this time with Hokuto. A large Archon is heard during the night. Spika happens to walk in on Ulbireo and his superior having a discussion about how she may be the Archon and how she can't stay. She runs away in the night.

Nil sounds the alarm to the others and they eventually find her, with a bloodied pile of bodies behind her. They assume she is the killer, all except Nil. The others transform using their Holy Grails and prepare to fight when the massive Archon appears infront of them. Suddenly Spika's dog transforms into a massive 2-eyed monster with 6 foot spines on it's back and defends them only to be impaled through the chest by the other. Nil's Holy Grail awakens to the sound of  Spika's traumatised screams and Ulbireo uses him (as a sword) to slay the monster.

They make a special commemorative statue for Spika's dog, Lana. And she says her farewells to the group as she goes to pursue a life with her grandparents.


Hokuto Aoi
Hokuto is mostly kind and sensitive to others (though not so much in the case of Nil, who gets hit quite a lot). I honestly thought Hokuto was a girl considering the earrings, night attire and feminine hair, but apparently I was wrong!

Ulbireo Ladnarash
A very aloof, lady-killer kind of guy. He has an inflated sense of grandeur, referring to himself as master and insisting he is the most attractive. He doesn't like Regulus' looking down on him and will resort to retaliatory violence.

Nil Almars
Is a very young-at-heart and sensitive boy, he is the first one to make a connection with Spika and tries to reach out to her. His liking of food and simple mind is why the others refer to him as "Poochie", the sequence with him sleeping the exact same way as Spika's dog exaggerates this connection.

Regulus Emrode
A very noble, matter of fact man who also happens to be scared of dogs, though he tries to play it off as just being worried "because he has allergies" Regulus seems to not approve of  Ulbireo's "boyish charms" and is quick to chastise him.

A young girl who has seemingly witnessed the destruction of her entire village at the hands of an Archon. The trauma has left her silent,. At first she likes spending time with Nil, and favours Hokuto as her sleeping partner (only because she thought he was a girl). Despite everything she's seen, including the death of her dog she seems to easily bounce back to being a happy girl.... I don't find that believable at all.

The animation in the opening sequence was amazing; very well detailed even in backgrounds, fluid animation. The stills could easily work as stand-alone pieces of art, The feathers and jewel parts in particular- beautiful. As are the transformation sequences- while they are brief they are so full of beauty and "sugoi", like some kind of magical girl action man moment.

Translation Quality:
I watched a version by LadyPhantomhive subs
Translation quality was good (with only a few questionable translation choices) and subtitles easy to read.

BGM, Songs and SFX:

The opening song is monochrome by G.Addict, which you can listen to at the top of the page, the ending is prism, which is the coupling song for the opening (which you can listen to above). There's nothing that overtly stands out about these songs but none the less they have good vocal composition and it's nice they used both tracks of the same single. The neatest thing is G.Addict is a group made up of the voice actors of the main guys in the anime. Love it when that happens!
There's a lovely orchestral soundtrack to the anime, which nicely fits in with the imagery of religion/demon etc. Though there are gaps where there is no music in order to focus more on the spoken lines.

Voice Acting:

I'll not lie, this sounds like the cast of every single anime male harem ever. BUT it's not one that I mind at all, there's the perfect mix of distinct voice personalities here and all of them are charming as all heck.

Final Thought:
I'm so surprised this hasn't been picked up as a full series!!
It's been 10 years since the release of this OVA and it's such a damn shame, I can really see a space in the market for a genre like this and I sure as hell would love to see that cast as those characters again. As much as I would love to find out more about the story, I really don't have time to read through manga.. or maybe I'd just prefer to hope this gets properly picked up soon so I can watch more (I swear it's not entirely because of the very attractive men and their interesting interactions with one another... or maybe it is a bit).

As far as the plot, there wasn't a lot/any of explanation to the background and the resolution was anticlimactic bordering on simply unbelievable. I can't believe that someone can see a whole village slaughtered, have their dog killing people, then be killed and just... go back to granny and gramp's house!!

Intrigued? Worry not, click here and after a short ad you can watch the OVA for yourself, online FOR FREE!!

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