Monday, 4 April 2016

SPOONIELIFE: One week of small, nerdy changes

You all know by now about my Endometriosis and #Spoonie status. Yes I'm a young mother with endometriosis (I will make a bigger post on this later), skeleto-muscular abnormalities, chronic fatigue syndrome and IBS-like symptoms.

With all this comes a lowered immune system, fatigue, constant pain, low mood, anxiety and a feeling like a hook being ripped through my stomach thanks to lovely things called internal adhesions.

While waiting for an MRI my only way to manage is physiotherapy and "resting". Not possible as a single mum! So I've decided to make a few small changes and see how it affects me. I'll outline the things I'm doing every day thanks to the convenience and nagging of smartphones.
If you want you can join in with me and see how it effects you!
Thanks to these apps we can even get some healthy support and competition going.


I'm a huge language nerd and nothing makes me happier than learning new words in many languages, but right now I've set myself a 30 word a day target for Japanese Language Proficiency test level 5 for vocab, grammar and kanji.
I've also set a 5 word a day target for learning advanced English, which is fun so far!


Being a spoonie, we tend to get brain fog, I'd assume this is cause we're constantly overloaded with pain and anxiety. What better way to help this than to flex my brain muscle and try to repair some of my lost synapses. I've a terrible issue with numbers due to being numerically dyslexic, so maybe the maths part of this would help... some parts are fun. Others are torture!!!

Water Drink Reminder

I'm so terrible at keeping track of water intake and I'll be honest to say it's not one of my priorities. More water= more movement to go to bathroom and sometimes that seems like the most torturous task. BUT it can rehydrate my brain, help flush toxins out of my body and prevent kidney and urinary tract infections as well as preventing hormone-related breakouts!
I've put my weight in and it's said I'm aiming for 2287ml a day. Let's see how I can do with that... seems like hard work so far.

Yoga Guru

This is one I'd ask that you check with your doctor first.
I've been classed as having a very "vulnerable" body. So I'm literally only going to do the level 1 and repeat daily until I see my physiotherapist and get the all-clear to do more.
I've done this for 2 days and I can already feel better circulation in my feet and hands, not to mention I feel less caved-in on myself. 

The most important bits of all this for me are:

 that these are very attainable goals. Even if I have a bad flare-up I can still do these apps with little to no negative impact on my body,

being able to reach small goals will attribute to a better mood inspite of pain or restricted ability,

I have more details to give to doctors; water intake, exercise and flexibility, times of great brain fog and several graphs to outline these for correlation,

I know I am taking all the responsible steps I can to improve without adding fear and stress of failing (meaning more pain!).

Anyone got any other good apps for improving mood, brain power, and over all health? Let me know so I can try them!

Will be covering different apps for tracking Endometriosis and female chronic pain in another blog post :3

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