You all know by now about my Endometriosis and #Spoonie status. Yes I'm a young mother with endometriosis (I will make a bigger post on this later), skeleto-muscular abnormalities, chronic fatigue syndrome and IBS-like symptoms.
With all this comes a lowered immune system, fatigue, constant pain, low mood, anxiety and a feeling like a hook being ripped through my stomach thanks to lovely things called internal adhesions.
While waiting for an MRI my only way to manage is physiotherapy and "resting". Not possible as a single mum! So I've decided to make a few small changes and see how it affects me. I'll outline the things I'm doing every day thanks to the convenience and nagging of smartphones.
If you want you can join in with me and see how it effects you!
Thanks to these apps we can even get some healthy support and competition going.