Monday, 9 May 2016

SPOONIELIFE: When I feel normal

I'm sure you've heard of Chronic or Invisible Illnesses. But have you head of the Spoon Theory?

The quick jist is that it's like each action costs a spoon. To a lot of people getting up seems like one action, right? You get up dressed and start the day, right?  

Monday, 2 May 2016

HAUL POST: CutesyKink

The following is a report on the experiences and feelings I had ordering from this company.
This in no way means I'm saying everyone will have the same experience.
I am simply providing an honest review to help people make informed decisions on where to buy their clothes online

No doubt you've heard of this brand on Facebook. If you're into anything cute or have any friends into Japanese fashion you more than likely have and like myself, probably spent more time than you'd care to admit window shopping endlessly through the many cute categories.

The online shopping experience is great. Things are fun, colourful, sorted well and often has suggestions of what clothes would go well with what you are viewing- always nice incase you've overlooked something. The only worry is the extreme lack of reviews on products. How can an online store be this popular with next to no reviews on products?

Just seeing this made me start to feel uneasy about buying here.