Sunday, 26 April 2015

Blogger Past- Who likes idols? (text intensive, sorrynotsorry)

For those of you who remember Wotaku Mummy (me) was a blog that dealt with blogging about idols as well as Hello Kitty and mothering things.

To me idol music is something that reminds me of childhood; colourful, fun, cute, full of friendship and energy. When it comes to idols there are many different ways of assessing "good idols", this goes from uniqueness to good lyrics, good musical hooks, good connections in the industry, high levels of sales, high levels on contact with fans. When these differing opinions clash you get inter-idolfan fights and these are often quite saddening to see. Especially since the point of idol music is reliving the carefree times of youth. Or at least that's what it used to be.

All of this is "in my opinion".

Idols should be...

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Gathering stock

If you are someone already engaged with my Facebook (thank you!), you will know I spend quite a lot of time working on stock for Q-con. This week was no exception!

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Obligatory First Post

Hello there blogging world!

You may recognise me if I use the name Wotaku Mummy, which I blogged under back from 2010 till 2012. After that I became Wotutu!

After 2012 I become more involved in my local anime/gaming/convention community and began to regularly volunteer at QUB Q-con.